Jacksonville Child Pornography Defense Lawyer
Strong Defense for Complex Charges in Florida
With the advances in computer and internet technologies, prosecutions for possession, receipt, sale, distribution, and production of child pornography are on the rise. Many times, law enforcement will discover child pornography by using peer-to-peer computer programs on the web to seek out other computers online that may contain images or videos of children in pornographic displays. These efforts lead to search warrants issued to seize the computer thought to contain these images and/or videos. The result is someone associated with the computer is charged with a very serious offense even if they had nothing to do with the image or video that is discovered.
In state and federal courts, minimum mandatory prison sentences of 5 years to 15 years to life are often sought by prosecutors assigned to these cases. It is critical to consult with an aggressive and experienced sex crimes attorney who will fight to minimize your exposure or eliminate these charges.
Contact our Jacksonville criminal defense lawyer to start defending your case today.
Defending Against Charges of Child Pornography Possession & Distribution
At Mitchell A. Stone, P.A. in Jacksonville, we have developed child pornography defense strategies to challenge the search warrants and defend our clients charged with these offenses. We have successfully defended cases by challenging the nature of the images as not being pornographic or not being of minors. We have challenged the charges of receipt, distribution, and production in certain cases by establishing defects in the government's investigations in order to keep our clients from receiving lengthy prison sentences.
We Challenge the Prosecution & the Technology
Experienced Jacksonville criminal defense lawyer Mitch Stone understands the sensitive nature of cases involving child pornography and related charges and has developed defenses such as:
- Client was not the user of the computer
- Viruses, Malware, and hacking that could account for the images
- Pop-ups that seemingly contain unlawful images that were not intended by the user's search
- Being framed by an enemy with access to the computer
- Insufficient evidence or negligent investigations
We have computer experts available to conduct forensic analyses to determine if any of these defenses apply. Mitch Stone understands that in some cases, even if the person possessed such images or videos, mitigation based on psychological issues may apply to prevent lengthy prison sentences.
Free & Confidential Consultation — Contact Us to Begin Your Defense Today!
If you or someone you know is the subject of an investigation or has been arrested for possession, receipt, delivery, sale, or production of child pornography, please contact our firm for a free and confidential consultation and assessment of the case. We serve clients in Jacksonville, Northeast Florida, and throughout the state.